Usually, tutorials on creating a blog are rarely accompanied by tutorials on determining the niche.
However, creating a blog and determining its niche are closely related.
For example, if you want to create a cooking niche blog. Just by looking at its niche, you’ll know who the target audience is, right?
To tailor it to the target audience, of course, the blog design must be adjusted. Don’t just do it haphazardly.
Since the theme of the blog is cooking, the blog design should look appetizing.
How do you create a blog design that looks appetizing?
By playing with colors, choosing fonts, combining icons, and don’t forget, complementing it with food-themed photos.
For example, like the IamFoodBlog page, a blog design about cooking that successfully tantalizes the eyes.
Now, at this point, creating a blog and determining its niche should be connected, right?
Did you know…
The number of websites using WordPress reaches 74,652,825 websites and blogs
Plus, the total number of ready-to-use templates reaches over 2600
In addition, plugins to optimize the functions and performance of WordPress have reached over 31,000
Although it has many weaknesses, WordPress is still the most preferred CMS by most bloggers. Including me.
What other reasons are there for not using WordPress?
For over a year, I was a Blogger user. Eventually, I changed course. And, my choice fell on WordPress.
I decided to migrate from Blogger to WordPress because I wanted to fully control my personal blog.
Initially, it was confusing. However, after studying it for a few days, I’m now starting to get used to it.
It’s quite a hassle, actually. I handle everything myself. But after going through it, I started to feel comfortable π
If you’re confused about how to create a blog, then the following things are perfect for you.
Creating a blog on WordPress and determining its niche
1. Determine the Name
The name is an important element in a blog. Choosing the right name will impact the blog. Especially for a new blog. A name that is “friendly” to search engines can accelerate the blog’s recognition by readers.
So, what name will you give to your blog?
If you already have one, is it suitable or not?
Does it sound strange or familiar?
It’s unique, but is it not easy to pronounce?
If you’re having trouble determining a name for your new blog, it means you need to pay attention to this first step.
Info: The blog name is the same as the domain address.
To help you find the right name, you can use the following tools:
Choose a name that is searched for by people using:
Choose keywords that you find interesting. To make sure that your chosen name hasn’t been used by someone else, search on Google.
There’s an even easier way, which is using a Domain Generator. As the name suggests, this tool will help you find a domain name (blog name) based on the recommendations provided:
- Brandroot (paid)
- LeanDomainSearch (Free)
- Impossibility (Free)
- Domainr (Free)
- Wordoid (Free)
From the five Domain Generator tools mentioned, I more often use
So, if after using the above tools you’re still confused, then alternatively, you can create a blog name based on:
a. Company Name
If you already have a company, then the naming process will be easier. The company name can be used as the blog name.
The purpose?
To introduce your company to the public.
For example:
Tokobagus (now changed)
b. Target Audience
Creating a blog name according to the target audience is quite common. Because it is considered to have advantages:
- Easy to find
- Familiar
- Already describes its content
With these three advantages, you will find it easier to get readers.
For example:
If a reader is looking for content about “coffee”, then they will type the keyword in the search engine like “coffee”. Thus, the chances of your name appearing are very high.
For example, when using the keyword “Coffee”, the following will appear:
c. Creative Names
Being creative is a boundary marker. So, if you choose to create a blog name based on this, you have more freedom.
For example:
Tokobagus (now changed)
Things to consider when creating a creative name are that it sounds catchy, easy to remember, and pronounce.
2. Choose the Right Partners
When creating a blog, choosing partners is very important. These partners will help you in terms of publication, storage, and content security.
There are three partners. You don’t have to have all three. It can be one or two.
Choosing the right partner will help you focus on creating content. Because bloggers have the main task of creating content.
However, if you can do many things besides creating content, then that can be a plus.
So, from now on, choose the right partners in terms of:
a. Domain
The domain is the address used by readers to go to your blog.
I’ve discussed how to determine a domain name in the previous section. Remember?
Now, to choose a partner who manages this domain name, you have to choose reliable domain providers.
Reliable providers usually:
Have many users
Often recommended
The process from payment to activation is fast
Has fast, responsive, and solution-oriented services
User comfort and security are the most important things
From the five criteria I mentioned above, almost all domestic providers do not have them all. Domain providers such as:
Are three providers that I have used. And on average, their services are fast response.
Meanwhile, for domestic providers, providers such as:
And CloudKilat
are providers that I often hear from Indonesian bloggers.
Before choosing a partner, try to open more discussion forums related to this matter.
b. Hosting
This partner is not so important if you blog using the Blogger Platform.
However, if you want to learn to use Self Hosted, this partner is a very important partner.
They will be the container for all your creative and valuable content. Important data, privacy, and priceless will be entrusted to them.
So, when choosing hosting, you need to know:
- User testimonials
- Service quality
- Guarantees offered
- Data protection guarantees
- Ease of access and claims
- Ability to solve problems. Fast or slow?
I personally have never used foreign hosting. And for this hosting, I use a domestic hosting provider.
I’m quite surprised by the service provided. It’s very different from the service of foreign domain providers.
Info: Until I wrote this content, I am still experiencing problems with this one partner of mine. Instead of constantly misunderstanding and the problem still not resolved. I decided to create this content π
However, hosting providers like:
I often hear about them. However, I have never tried them.
For domestic providers, CloudKilat can be your choice.
Based on reviews from Pabelog, CloudKilat is an Indonesian hosting provider that can compete with foreign providers.
There is also DewaWeb which was reviewed by WPKamt with quite informative explanations.
c. WordPress Manager
You can also use the services of WordPress Manager to manage the two things I mentioned earlier. By using this service, your task becomes lighter.
Because all technical matters in blogging are directly handled by them.
Starting from the domain, hosting, speed, to data security, they will handle it.
So, your task is just to focus on creating content.
There are several service providers for this:
Unfortunately, they’re all from abroad. Whereas domestically:
Until now, I haven’t found one.
If you know, please comment in the comment column.
3. Guide to Determining Your Blog Niche
Once you’ve found suitable partners, it’s time to think about the content of the blog you’re going to create.
- What will you discuss on your blog?
- What will you write?
- And for tomorrow, what kind of content will you create?
Those three questions are confusing enough for those who don’t know what niche to choose.
Why should I choose a specific niche?
There are 4 reasons why you need to choose a niche for your Blog:
a. Staying on the right track
Building a blog requires “consistency.” With consistency, you can create content that is likely beneficial to readers.
Because readers are the reason blogs are created. Right?
By choosing a specific niche, you can easily know what:
- readers need
- can solve readers’ problems
- adds to readers’ knowledge
- can make them happy
When you know these four things, you can gain loyal readers. Readers are satisfied with your content. And the likelihood of them returning to “enjoy” the content is very high.
If your content cannot meet these four things, your blog will surely be deserted, full of spider webs π
So, this is where determining the niche is important. Because your blog content will automatically develop.
When your content doesn’t develop, the risk is that your blog will be empty of readers.
If this happens, then just wait until your blog “dies”.
b. Getting Loyal Readers
Readers come to the blog because of the content. Readers also leave the blog because of the content.
If readers are satisfied with the existing content, then it’s likely they will come back.
The reason is that readers have already felt the benefits of your content, felt happy with its contents, and the problems they are facing can be solved.
These three things are enough to make readers comfortable and come back.
It’s even better if you can make your content go viral or share it effectively to attract more readers.
c. Making it easier to find income sources
Just like humans. Blogs also need food intake. This is needed so that the blog can stay “alive”.
Domain and hosting costs are two basic needs that must be met.
When you successfully get loyal readers, then it’s time for you to sell or offer something. That can keep your blog “alive”.
Attention: Avoid selling or offering something with high intensity. Once or twice a week is enough. Too often selling or offering a product can make readers feel uncomfortable. Unless your blog is an Affiliate blog.
d. Increasing your knowledge
At any given time, there is always new information. Readers always love new information. Especially if it’s beneficial to them.
Therefore, you must be able to fulfill that need.
Considering readers are kings in blogs, anything must be done to make readers satisfied and comfortable.
When you succeed in fulfilling that need, it means you are on the path of development. If you do it again, then your content will be even more “devoured” by readers.
Andβ¦. to determine what niche to choose, then you need to start with:
A. Knowing Your Passion
Creating content with one topic is very annoying!!
How come, you are forced to create content with only one niche or theme.
Sometimes feeling bored, lazy, confused, tortured. That’s what you feel if you choose a niche that is not your passion.
Being happy is not enough. Even being interested is risky.
Choosing a niche that is your passion will make it easier to create content.
With passion, you will still feel comfortable even though the quality of content continues to improve over time.
Passion will make you stay, feel happy, comfortable, even challenged by the demands of the niche.
If you are still confused about knowing your passion, then it’s time to remember:
- What makes you comfortable and happy
- Makes you feel at home doing it
- No matter what the conditions are, you still have time to do it
- Any difficulties that exist, you feel them as challenges. Not obstacles.
- By doing it, you feel like being yourself. “This is me or this is totally me”.
The above five things are Rene’s passion concept. My favorite book author π
So, start getting to know your passion to build a successful personal blog.
B. Starting from what is most known or most frequently read
If you haven’t found your passion yet, then starting a blog from something you know a lot about and often read is an alternative.
Your desire to learn something can be a capital to build a blog.
The fast pace of development becomes a challenge that must be overcome.
Information from two months ago may no longer be relevant today. If you still use old information and don’t develop quickly with new information, then the content you create might be abandoned by readers.
Readers always want to get nutritious content.
- Update
- Complete
- Valuable
Those three things are part of the principle of creating quality content.
Without passion, you can still build a successful blog. Use your curiosity about something as an alternative.
C. Determine a more specific theme
Sometimes, the niche you choose is still too general. And cannot yet attract loyal readers.
Try checking your chosen niche with tools:
- UberSuggest
- Google Keyword Planner
- Keywordtooldominator. How, after entering the HomePage, click the KeyWordTool button:
Then, choose:
Info: After I tried it, Keywordtooldominator can only be used 4 times a day. If you want more, please register at the Sign Up Free menu.
- KeywordsContentforest. How, enter keywords in the search column and see the results at the bottom of the column:
If you force yourself to choose a niche that is too general, you will need a long time to get loyal readers.
This means, the time you need will be longer.
For example, you are interested in the Camera niche. If you search in GKP, you will find many specific keywords.
From the screenshot above, you still need to focus your chosen niche. Because in those more specific niches, there are mostly Loyal readers.
FYI: The less “keyword competition” the greater your chances of getting readers.
D. Measure Future Prospects
To do this, enter your niche keywords into the tool:
Google Keyword Planner. See this section:
For GKP, your task is to see the Graph shown. If not, the total use of keywords can also be used.
If the graph shows an upward or fluctuating trend, it means the niche you choose has a positive prospect.
A downward graph result can also have a positive prospect. With the condition, the content must be processed differently from existing content.
Hashtag Scout. See this section:
Ahrefs. See this section:
Info: For Hashtag Scout and Ahrefs just look at the total numbers like the screenshot above.
In addition, the number of Avg. Monthly Searches & Competition can also be used as a reference. The lower the Avg. Monthly Searches & Competition, the greater your chances:
Because it shows that the content competition in your chosen niche is still low.
If you’re still unsure about those three tools, you can use:
To check your competitor’s blogs.
You just need to write your competitor’s blog address in the search column. Then, open each blog one by one. Determine the top 3β5 competitor blogs that you consider the best.
Then, open the SpyContentforest tool, enter your competitor’s address there. Then, see the results.
E. Thinking about how to earn income
As I said earlier, it’s very important
for Bloggers to think about how to earn income through their blogs.
There are many ways to earn income, such as:
1. Google Adsense.
If interested in earning income with this model, you must build a strong foundation of High-quality content.
An example of a successful Indonesian blogger with the Google Adsense method is Maxmanroe. This blog has a high ranking on the StartupRanking page:
or KangJum who has an income of $5,000.
2. Affiliate Links
For example, you can go to the Pabelog page. This blog often creates very detailed product review content (in the form of hosting and domain).
Pabelog is also an Adsense Publisher Blog.
An Affiliate blog is a blog that contains product reviews with Affiliate Links as its source of income.
3. Premium Member
Blogs with income models like this are still rare in Indonesia. For example, you can see the wpmudev page.
This blog has the number of members (when this content was written):
With a Subscription Fee:
Can you imagine how much income per month?
4. Service
Service blogs are already common in Indonesia. However, most are Hosting or Domain Provider blogs or websites.
However, there are already some examples of service blogs in other fields. Like CDCenter. This blog focuses on providing market analysis services.
Even though it has just appeared, this blog already has clients above 1,000:
There’s also Kerja Dulu. This blog or website targets Jobseekers. Although still new, Kerja Dulu already has thousands of members.
5. Buying and Selling Blogs or Domains
Buying and selling blogs are common among foreign blogs. Well-known places to buy and sell blogs and domains are Flippa. There are also Bido and Sedo. Both are places to buy and sell domains.
The price per domain is quite expensive, some are $350 or even up to $525.
While the purchase price is only $8 or even $0.99
6. Brand Ambassador
Many Indonesian bloggers are into this income type. Especially blogs with fashion and travel niches.
Blogs like DuaRansel, aMrazing, Catperku, Naked Traveler
are blogs that are already well-known for their adventure stories around Indonesia and even abroad.
Meanwhile, blogs like BrownPlatform and JellyJellyBeans are two blogs with a fashion niche.
Most of the blogs I mentioned earlier get their income from sponsors. They just need to review places offered by sponsors. Vacationing while working.
Next. Step 4 for creating a blog is…
F. Being the first to know
This is the last step you must be able to do. Being the first to know is mandatory.
Goal: so that your readers become Updated readers.
For that, you really need tools:
to find out what is currently trending on social media. And, there is:
To find out what’s hot on Google.
Info: Every niche has certain criteria. Especially in terms of design appearance. Blog appearance will follow the tastes of readers. Because content is made for readers.
Next.. Step 4 for creating a blog is:
4. Determining Posting Design
A. Concept
Changes in visual design are necessary to ensure readers feel comfortable. Changes are made based on the chosen niche.
If you’re unsure about determining the right display design, you can visit the following pages:
Just to browse suitable references according to the niche.
Make sure you apply the following to the post display you will create:
a. Simplicity
Readers come to the blog for the content, not for the widgets or plugins you install.
The more comfortable readers are enjoying your content, the greater the chance they will return to enjoy the content again.
Photos, images, animations are only complementary elements, not the main elements of the blog. These elements are there to make readers enjoy your content even more.
Simple design can create a comfortable feeling for readers. Readers prefer simple designs. A simple design will help readers identify “what content they are reading.”
b. Consistent Design
The majority of readers don’t like constantly changing designs. They prefer consistent designs. Especially in terms of navigation.
For example, if you are already accustomed to the navigation design of your favorite blog, and suddenly the blog owner changes the navigation design to:
Most likely, you will be confused. Especially if the changes are made in many aspects. Readers might not be busy enjoying the content you create anymore, but busy understanding your new blog navigation.
FYI: Design changes are highly recommended if they benefit the readers, for example, “making readers more comfortable enjoying the content” or making it easier for readers to navigate your blog.
c. Neat Patterns
Neat content will make it easier for readers to enjoy the content.
One thing to note to maintain the neatness of content is spacing.
Setting the right spacing, not excessive or insufficient, can make readers feel more comfortable.
Provide appropriate spacing between supporting photos and explanations.
Avoid stacking different content formats simultaneously, such as Photos with explanations.
Photos are only supplementary, while explanations/annotations remain the essence.
d. Color Selection
Color combinations can create a livelier atmosphere, yet still comfortable for readers.
The right color combination can be one factor that makes readers enjoy your content.
You can get suitable color combinations using tools like:
e. Use of Photos or Images
Readers will get bored if they are constantly given content in the form of text. Sometimes, readers need refreshing content in the form of photos or images.
The existing images and photos are not arbitrary.
Photos or images are placed within the content as additional formats that will make it easier for readers to understand the content.
You can use tools like:
- Chisel (Designing photos with text)
- Google Drawing (Google’s drawing application)
- Magdelina (Download Photos)
- Online Editing (Edit images online)
- QuoteCover (Inserting quotes into images or photos)
f. Font Style Settings
Avoid choosing fonts that seem stiff. To make this easier, try testing it yourself.
If you are comfortable reading your own content, it means the existing font is suitable.
However, if you feel uncomfortable, change your font immediately.
In addition to using yourself, to determine the font, you can adjust it to the niche and font characteristics.
You can change the font using plugins like:
In addition to font type, font size, spacing, and thickness of the font also need to be considered.
B. Theme or Template
Choosing a template is quite a tedious task. Because the development of templates in recent years has been very rapid. With increasingly attractive visual displays.
It’s no wonder that Bloggers easily change their blog templates.
FYI: In 2015, there were 17 web design trends emerging. Among them: Parallax, Card Design, Material Design, Ghost Button, Speed, Micro UX, Hidden Menu, and many more.
If you are interested in some of these types of display trends, you can easily apply them to a new blog through available templates. You can get templates in the following ways:
a. Free
Free WordPress templates can be found in various places. Some places I often visit to get templates:
- FREE 120 Premium WordPress Templates
- FREE 20 Best WordPress Blog Templates
- 30 FREE Responsive WordPress Templates
You can choose which template suits your taste and is also suitable for the niche you have chosen.
b. Paid
Although there are already many free template stocks available, premium templates have more varied variations. Some functions that are not available in free templates are also added.
Broadly speaking, there are five advantages if you choose a premium (paid) template:
- You will get automatic template upgrade versions from the developer. In addition, the developer is also ready to help you if you encounter difficulties when using the template.
- Link attributes that usually exist in the footer can be removed, and that can show that you are a professional blogger.
- When you use the template, you will also get a Template Setting Guide. This will make it easier for you to change the template design according to your taste.
- Finally, premium template choices usually look more elegant and modern. And, there are many choices available.
If you are interested in using premium or paid templates, you can go to the following pages:
- Best Premium WordPress Templates 2015
- 25 Latest Elegant and Responsive Premium WordPress Templates
- In addition to these two places, you can also try buying templates on the Themeforest Marketplace. There are 1100 WordPress templates available there. Prices range from $45.
Before buying, make sure you know what services will be provided by the developer if you buy a template from them.
One more thing, if you have difficulty making payments (for example, not having a Paypal account), you can contact Adi Ramadhani who will help you Top Up your Paypal account)
c. Custom Design
If you still don’t feel satisfied with the templates I provided earlier, you can design your own template according to your wishes. You can contact:
By designing your own template, you can choose and determine the design details you want on your blog.
5. Choose the Suitable Plugins
Selecting the right plugins can be the most crucial aspect of creating a new blog.
Choosing plugins will be better tailored to your needs. If you are a new WordPress user, you need to know how to install plugins into your blog.
The first step is to click on plugins in the menu and select Add New::
Then, type the plugin name in the search box:
Next, click Install:
And activate the plugin:
Before you choose which plugin to use, consider how to choose quality WordPress plugins:
1. Check Plugin Rating
Check the rating of the plugin you intend to use:
The higher the rating, the better.
2. Check Plugin Reviews
Pay attention to reviews from plugin users:
3. Support Facilities
If there are issues, how do they respond:
4. Check Compatibility
Find out if the plugin you intend to use is compatible with the version of WordPress you are using:
If not, it’s better not to use it.
5. Plugin Screenshots
Make sure there are screenshots:
Having screenshots will help you during the usage process.
6. Total Downloads
Check the total downloads of the plugin users:
The more users, the better the plugin works. Although that’s not the only measure.
Follow these seven steps if you are going to install any plugin on your WordPress.
Do you already know how to install and select WordPress plugins?
Now it’s time for you to choose some plugins below (Remember: adjust to your needs):
A. Security and Speed
Security factor is very important in the Blogging world. Considering the numerous mischievous hands of hackers who may tamper with our blog.
For security, I use the following plugin:
Limit Login Attempts. This plugin serves as an Auto Sign Out for your WordPress dashboard.
There’s more, Wordfence. Used to remove spam-related things on the blog.
Akismet (Paid)
Besides security, the speed factor of the blog is important to provide to readers. Speaking of speed, the ideal speed of a blog is only 2 seconds. Beyond that, readers tend to close it.
So, it’s pointless if you create quality content, but your readers never read it.
You can check your blog’s speed on the Pingdom page.
For now, I use the WP Super Cache plugin to handle blog speed.
B. Blog and Page Design
Sometimes, we get bored with the existing design. And want to change it. However, due to limited budget, you want to do it yourself.
There are two plugins I usually use to deal with this:
- SiteOrigin. Plugin to redesign template appearance.
- Beaver Builder. Plugin to design pages.
C. Using SEO Plugins
SEO plugin is used to help bloggers create content and analyze the blog according to SEO rules. The plugins I use are:
WordPress SEO by Yoast. I usually use it to create SEO-friendly content:
There’s also a plugin:
Squirrly SEO that you can use to analyze your blog based on SEO. Although similar to WordPress SEO by Yoast, the analysis display of this plugin is more comprehensive.
Google Analytics. A plugin that helps you see content analysis results like Google Analytics page.
D. Sharing Plugins
Sharing plugins are used to make it easier for readers to share content on their social media.
This will benefit you because your content will easily spread on social media with the quality content you have created beforehand.
The content I use:
and Sumome
I choose these two plugins because they both provide content analysis features shared on social media.
Besides those two plugins, there are still plugins:
Add to Any with 200,000 users.
Social Media Feather and Share This with 100,000 users.
Apart from sharing content, I also use the Click To Tweet plugin which I use to make it easier for readers to tweet about interesting things in the content:
E. Collecting Email
Email is a valuable asset in the Blogging world.
How so?
Because through email, we can communicate with readers.
For example, when you create new content. You can inform your readers about it.
There’s more. If suddenly your blog becomes the target of hackers and your blog cannot be accessed by readers. Then email can be used as a medium to publish your content.
Or, if you choose to create a new blog. Then you can notify your readers of your new blog address.
There are several plugins you can use to collect reader emails. There are:
Optin Forms. The plugin I use at the bottom of the post:
Or Comment GuestBook. The plugin I use along with the comment column below the content.
Finally, I use Contact Form 7. The plugin I use on the Contact Me page
F. Bonus for Readers
Readers will be happy if given some gifts. Giving gifts to readers is one form of appreciation from bloggers to them.
While giving gifts to readers, you also benefit.
Giving gifts to readers can start with something trivial. Like, free E-books, Content creation templates, Software, or other references needed by readers.
How. Use the plugin:
Download File via Double Opt-In. If the reader wants to download the available file, they must first enter their email address.
With this plugin, you can get reader emails and readers feel happy with the gift you give them. Win-win right?
There’s more. WP Like to Get and Social Locker plugins. These two plugins are used so that readers share, follow, or like your account as a condition for them to be able to download the file you provide.
G. Income Sources
Currently, WordPress already has several Google AdSense plugins that you can use as a source of income. There are plugins:
Of the three plugins above, I use the Google AdSense plugin.
Last Step
After finishing creating the blog. You continue to learn: